Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7

Today is always special to our family as my grandpa fought in WWII. He was very young when he left his wife and kids at home and joined the Navy. He was a cook on one of the big carriers. I don't remember many of the details he shared over the years when I was growing up, probably because he didn't share too many, but I know he learned to type, compliments of the Navy. Most importantly for us he came home safely to his family (and a daughter who didn't know who he was), and did what so many others of that generation did: he got on with the business of working, raising his family, and reclaiming our country's greatness. We are so lucky he came back to us. He passed away several years ago, and we still miss him greatly.

On a related note, this year the princess will dance with her competition group to a modern dance that will be set not to music, but to FDR's request to congress that he gave on December 7 to declare war on Japan: "A day which will live in infamy... " I am looking forward to seeing that.

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