Saturday, December 17, 2011

For Our Mormon Family Members...

Every once in awhile the prince needs to wear a tie. He counts on his dad to tie it for him. When his dad isn't around, he goes to youtube for help. He needed to tie his tie the other night and gave it a shot on his own. His dad was at work, and he felt confident he could do it w/o the aid of youtube. He came out of his bedroom and asked me how it looked. I thought it was a little long so he went back and tried again. He came out looking like this, which I thought was fine. He told me, "If it's not, one of the Mormons in choir will fix it." So true! :)

This is his outfit for the Musical Feast. I told him all he needed was a fedora and then he could be one of the Godfathers...or change the tie to black and be Johnny Cash. Lookin' Good!


Shelley said...

I was totally expecting you to be blogging about us. Hilarious! Glad to know he knows where he can go for help.

Mary Beth said...

He is lookin' good!
Too funny about the tie. Hope the singing dinner went well.

Grandma L said...

It was a wonderful evening. Delightful kids, music & very good food. I'm already planing to go again nex year.