Sunday, May 6, 2012

High Maintenance Strawberries

Are you familiar with Bountiful Baskets?  They are all the rage in our area.  It's like a veggie/fruit co-op.  Produce is shipped in from the west coast for delivery on Saturday.  You order online and pick up Saturday.  They sell out every week.  You can also get bread/tortillas, and this week you could get a flat of strawberries for $10.  I don't participate in Bountiful Baskets, because though the price is right, you don't know what's in your basket until you pick it up.  We are far too picky of eaters to take the risk of brussel sprouts and rutabaga!  MB participated asked if I wanted to split the flat of strawberries.  Thinking the prince and I would eat some and the rest could be used in smoothies, I agreed.  $5 for 4 boxes of strawberries is a good deal in my area!  Before I decided to slice them up MB warned me that the strawberries were organic and as such, might mold more quickly.  She recommended rinsing them in 5 cups of water mixed with a 1/2 cup of vinegar.  So I did.  These are some high maintenance strawberries, but I'm betting they're delicious!  And full of antioxidants.  And only 50 calories for 1 cups of strawberries sliced in half! 

Not sure why this photo is "foggy". 
Silly phone camera.


Unknown said...

We do bountiful baskets just so we do learn to like all those "weird" fruits and veggies! This week we got jicama! I'll let you know how that goes over... Most of the basket is quite normal. They just throw an oddball in every now & again to keep us on our toes! George loves it! He's by far the most enthusiastic, but that's not saying much, is it?!

Mary Beth said...

I too rinsed mine and we have been eating them ever since. They are pretty good. Biscuits & eggs tonight for dinner so we can have strawberry shortcake for dessert!