Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pops Concert

The Pops concert is my favorite music night of the year--and one of my favorite nights, period.  It is so popular that they must do it for 2 nights.  It features all the choirs as well as solos, duets and trios who audition.  Last night was the concert that features the prince's choir.  (He didn't audition for any small group numbers this year, but I'm hoping he does something with his sister next year as a special gift to his mother!)  His choir did 3 of them was about 10 minutes long!  It was a great night, only dampened at the end.  As the seniors were closing the show with the song they'll sing at graduation, there was a commotion in the back of the theater.  They stopped the song and ended up having to call an ambulance as someone was having a heart attack.  It was a sad end to a great night.  We hope the gentleman is okay.

 First she combined 3 choirs for "Pop Music".
Can you spot him?

 How about now? 
Center, middle

 They did "Thriller" complete with costumes and makeup.
$4 tshirt from Walmart cut up for us.
He's on the left, second black shirt in.

 Crawling to the front of the stage at the end of the song.
He's center.

 Finally there was an awesome Beatles medley.
Complete with look-alike clothing...

 He's above the mic...


And props!



Mary Beth said...

Looks like a great concert with singing AND dancing. Hope the heart attack is ok.

J said...

Would have loved to be there!