Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The No-No Girl

While scanning some photos the other day, I came across these.  They were too cute not to add to the blog, and I see a pattern.  Can you spot it? 

No, Mama, I'm not sitting in the dishwasher.
At least it was full of clean dishes.
And the prince thought this was hilarious.
I'm thinking maybe he helped her up there!

 No Mama, I'm not playing in the refrigerator.
Check out all the dairy products in there!

 No Mama. 
I wasn't playing in the ashes of the wood stove.

 No Mama. 
I am not climbing up to touch the stove.

 No Mama. 
I didn't just write all over myself
AND the car seat with a green marker.

No Mama. 
I am not in the living room,
on the white carpet,
with the chocolate beaters!

These cracked me up!  I love the marker one.  And clearly it's hard to not cut of the heads off little people when photographing them...couldn't be my camera skills.  Gotta love the kitchen too with it's gold appliances.  We had replaced flooring at that point but not appliances or the base boards.  Kids are expensive you know...what with the need to keep replacing the markers and all.  Given her antics I have to wonder where her mother was in most of these shots (probably running to get the camera), and how did she survive injury-free?


Shelley said...

And clearly she was a little trouble maker. I don't have memory of any of my kids getting into so much trouble. Probably because I kept them handcuffed to their beds. hahaha!

J said...

These are the most awesome photos!! Love them!!! Hope she has a great time on her trip and stays out of trouble :-)

Mary Beth said...

Love that girl! She was fun from the start!