Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wild Life

Who knew we'd see such "wild life" in the city?  I saw this duck--ON TOP OF A BUILDING--a couple of weeks ago.  That is not the first time I've seen him up there, and sometimes he's not alone!

Yesterday was GREAT weather, and I took my students outside for a little while.  One of them spotted this frog/toad/jumpy thing.  He was quite far from a water source, but we left him alone...until the maintenance guys started mowing in this area.  Then it was time to rescue him.  One of the science teachers was willing to house him, so one of the brave students picked him up and took him to the teacher.  As he was carrying the frog, the frog was "leaking" all over the sidewalk.  I think the kid scared the pee out of him!  :)

Both of these photos were taken with my cell phone, which doesn't have zoom.  Consequently I couldn't get any closer in the duck photo and was fearful the frog would jump at me when I bent down toward him to get the photo!

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