Sunday, May 6, 2012


Apparently this week's Bountiful Baskets contained mangos.  I've never purchased a mango, but MB gave us 2 of hers.  Last night our neighbor also brought one over for us.  I had to check online to see how to know if they are ripe and how to cut them.  They should be slightly soft to the touch.  Don't eat the skin!  There is a pit in the center like a peach pit.

 Three ripe mangos.

 I cut the first one, which might have been over ripe.
It was very soft inside.
That part on the right seems to be the pit.

 Cut it into section and peal from the skin.
I used my thumb nail.

 I scraped some of the mushy mango from the pit,
and this is sort of what the pit looks like.

 Here's the second mango, looking a little less mushy.

 Here's a better photo of what the pit looks like.

After slicing all 3 mangos I had this much mango.
It's probably about enough to make 2 smoothies.
Seems like a lot of work for 2 smoothies.

But thanks to my friends for the mangos!!!


Shelley said...

Andy begged and begged for a mango. I finally broke down and got him one last summer. I'll never buy another, much to his dismay. I couldn't even get a cutable piece. Just ended up scraping and squeezing and used it in a smoothie. NOT a fan of my mango experience.

Unknown said...

My kiddos eat the ones that aren't too squishy and the really soft ones get thrown in to smoothies. Now, I wouldn't use just those in the smoothies though... You'd need a bunch! I use berries, bananas, along with the yogurt!

Mary Beth said...

I agree - too much work for the little amount of fruit that we really don't like anyway.