Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Friday of the school year.

Today is the last Friday of the school year (for the princess and me--the prince has finals next Friday).  In honor of this special day, I'm posting the top 10 things I love about my job--in no particular order.  And I challenge my blog friends to post the top 10 things about their jobs as well!

1.  Weekends off.
2.  Long summer breaks.
3.  Hilarious kids.
4.  My sarcasm thrives at this job.
5.  Great people to work with.
6.  I get to use a mechanical pencil ALL DAY LONG!
7.  I have finally mastered middle school math, years after taking it.
8.  Some of my co-workers have become some of my best friends.
9.  Sometimes we go outside for class--it's like having a break ALL DAY LONG!
10. There's nothing better than watching kids have that ah-ha moment when learning sinks in.  (It looks good on adults too.)


Mary Beth said...

It's Friday
It's Friday
Gotta get down on Friday

Hope your last Friday of the school year was fun.

J said...

Great list!
What I love about your job is the great stories :-)