Saturday, May 12, 2012

On what planet it this okay????

Who parks like this?????  On what planet is this okay???? 

Here's the story...for those of you who didn't get my text last night.

MB and I went to dinner with another friend last night while the girls were at dance practice.  This is a once-a-year event and was much anticipated.  Dinner was cut short when the other woman's older daughter called to say that there was water dripping from her bedroom light fixture which is below their kitchen.  She had to rush home to survey the damage...there was much water in the kitchen, and her husband was out of town. (Because that's always the case when disaster strikes.)

Feeling grateful for my own small problems, I decided I needed a diet soda to sip on after a delightful dinner.  MB and I decided to head to McD's for the $1 mammoth drink, which we would enjoy while watching the end of recital practice.  Alas, it was not meant to be.

Some IDIOT had parked next to me in fine fashion!  Still, I was okay with crawling over the center console in my small Honda (because there's nothing prettier than that mental image), but I decided that first I must write him a SCATHING note to put on his window.  MB read the note.  I didn't even cuss.  (I'm not very good at being scathing.) 

And this is where it all went very wrong (if it weren't wrong enough already).  When I reached for the napkin to write the note on, I dropped my keys into my purse which was sitting on the front seat of the car.  I must have hit the lock on the car door because after putting the note on the truck and snapping a couple of photos of the cars, I realized my keys were now locked inside my car.  WWWWHHHHAAAATTTTTTTT???

Oh, the karma.  The bad, bad karma.  Luckily my husband was not out of town and when I called to ask him to bring the other set of keys, he was quick to agree.  Meanwhile MB had to walk back to the theater to let the little girl know her mom wasn't coming to get her.  Walking back meant dodging a fierce gauntlet of sprinklers.  The sprinklers won! 

But the king rescued me.  The weather was great to be waiting outside for him.  The drunk (I assume he was drunk...why else would he park like that) didn't come out while I was waiting, which was my fear.  I'm pretty sure he couldn't have gotten his truck out w/o damaging mine.  And I was able to back out of the space--after hurdling the center console and having to manually drag my right leg over said console (it didn't really like the angel I needed it to be in) without scratching my car.  Both the king and another man suggested I door-ding the truck.  I just didn't have the heart to do least not in broad daylight!

Here's hoping for better karma today!


Mary Beth said...

Thank goodness we had 2 drinks before we saw this. Your note was a little too nice, I think. Let's hope for a better recital day today!

Karen L said...

I'll bring you some of my "nice" tickets for the next time this happens.

Karen L said...

Should have called me. The drivers door can only be locked on the outside --with the key.

Karen L said...

as I recall- so you can't lock the keys inside, neither. I think that's right but I wouldn't swear to it.

Anonymous said...

It's a Honda so theoretically you CAN NOT lock your keys in it. Then there's me. I think I hit the lock button on the remote when I dropped the keys in my purse. That locks all shut doors. The passenger side was still open, but I think I bumped the actual lock on the door when I got out of that side, thus the entire car was locked. Should have never happened, if not for karma! SL