Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Schupfnudel is a German dish.  The king's dad used to make it.  He would get a big pot of water, potatoes, sausage, and spices going and then would drop this dough he had made into it at the end.  After the dough was cooked through it was ready.  We ate it on a plate, and I remember putting syrup on it.  (Everything tastes better with syrup, right?)  He also made a dish called "knepfla" which also had the dough going on but other ingrediants.  Both were ethnic dishes that he made once or twice a year.  Grandma hated it when he did, not because she didn't like the food, but becasue she wasn't too keen on the mess he made in her kitchen.  I have no plans to duplicate the recipe, but I share this because I think "schupfnudel" is a great word. 

Below is a photo of a schupfnudel dish, taken off the internet.  It doesn't look like Grandpa's but does give you an idea of the look of the dough (this photo shows it served with sauerkraut, which the internet told me is quite the norm). 

And below this photo is a photo of another kind of schupfnudel.

Long live the schupfnudel!


Mary Beth said...

Although the dish sounds pretty good, I really just like to say the word - "schupfnudel"!

J said...

I might just have to start calling Andy by that name....I like it! While we're talking about your neohew(s)....say hey to "Spiderman" for me!