Wednesday, January 27, 2010

KCI does good!

I thought about whining about the additional snow we got yesterday, but instead, I'll share this good news.

KCI Sends Critically Needed Medical Products to Haiti to Help Treat Seriously Wounded

SAN ANTONIO—JAN. 19, 2010—Kinetic Concepts, Inc. (NYSE: KCI) today announced its contribution of more than $2 million dollars worth of advanced wound care products to the Haiti relief effort. The in-kind donation includes KCI’s industry-leading Active Healing Solutions and Therapeutic Support Systems products designed to help treat complex and hard-to-heal wounds. KCI will collaborate with Surgical Implant Generation Network (SIGN) and Project Medishare to place products in the hands of medical personnel in Haiti.

Additionally, KCI is matching employee donations and also donated cash. Yep, the king and I are donating.


Shelley said...

Great deal! We are donating too....the church is encouragine us to if we can. So, we'll go through them.

J said...

Very cool!!
Well done!

Anonymous said...

Good for KCI to donate so much for those poor people.
