Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two School Funnies

The kids who ride the school bus fill out a form at the beginning of the school year. It has their address and some major point of reference about the location of their stop, which the child fills in. For example, it might be "corner of Elm and Birch" or "top of Stone Road".

Yesterday the principal showed me a bus slip in which the 6th grader wrote as his reference point, "by big bush with barking dog." Still giggling about that one!

A 7th grader was sent to my room to work on a limerick for his English class. He was having no luck so I "helped" him a little. In the end, he (we, I) wrote this. It was so clever that the teacher sent it out to the school. I thought I'd share:

There was a boy named Brayden.
Who thought school should be played in.
His teachers did not agree.
They said, "Woe is me!"
And decided for a trade in.

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