Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moment Saved

Yesterday I stopped by to apologize to the nice girl who's moment I ruined. The conversation went like this:

Me: I'm really sorry I ruined your moment at the dance Friday.

Her: It wasn't my moment. It was your daughter's moment. She ran away so I just followed her.

HUH???? I'm trying to decide if the princess set up the dance or what the heck? Then I remember that at one point I was dancing in the vicinity of the princess and she did run away (scared of my mad dance skills I guess).

Me: No, I mean when you were dancing with Michael, and I walked by singing to you guys.

Her: Oh. I never saw you walk by singing. You didn't ruin my moment.

Me: Oh good. I'm so glad. Now will you go tell my daughter that!!!


Unknown said...

You're either the worst or the best chaperon ever... Guess it depends on who you ask! :)

Mary Beth said...

Whew... I'm sure glad you were relieved of that guilt burden! lol