Friday, January 8, 2010

Not the dumbest

I'm not the dumbest person this week (see entry on what happens when you forget to close your garage door in sub-zero temperatures.)

Nope, the local school bus company gets that distinction as of yesterday.

In the freezing cold yesterday only 5 of the 10 buses in my district were running. In the big city, most weren't running.

The high school called with an emergency message at about 7:30 "Please stay on the line for a message from the High school." But then no message followed. Now all those schools were being flooded with calls. "WHAT'S GOING ON??"

About 10:00 we had an announcement that there would be NO buses home from school. Another message hits the phone from the high school and from our school. They both work this time.

At 11:30 I'm wondering about the basketball game after school that the princess is supposed to work at. "Please let it be canceled," I pray. But the PE teacher tells me it'll still go on because although they aren't running buses for school, they will run them for sports. HUH??? That's going to have the parents in an uproar!

At about noon there's a new announcement. "Change of plans. Now the buses WILL run."

Hmmm...really, really glad my kids don't ride the bus. Now I've got 2 more messages from both schools.

What this all boiled down to was that the school bus company changed fuel vendors a few weeks ago, and the vendor did not put an additive in the fuel to prevent it from freezing up.

Today the bus big-wigs were flying in to buy pizza for the drivers. I'm kind of thinking they're also meeting with at least 2 school districts!!!

I'm feeling really smart now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's all abut saving money. The corporate people in Cincinnati call the punches and doesn't let the local experienced people do what they do very well. Corporate got caught and they're up for contract talks soon. The problem is that there is no competition. They are the biggest in the nation. They even bought Greyhound and Laidlaw. This is your tax dollars going over to Scotland where their Headquarters are kl