Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh Mandy

I thought that when we hung out with the neighbor's 5 kids yesterday, I'd have good stories to tell on the blog but alas...

1. The best story-teller of the five was with her grandma and grandpa so there were only 4 kids.

2. After hanging at our house for a little while, it was time to go back to their house so the youngest could take a nap. We watched Teenage Ninja Turtles. Good times. Memories. Very 80's hair going on.

3. One highlight: they got a dog for Christmas--more like a moose. Her name is Mandy--the moose. (I'm adding the moose part. She's huge but still a puppy.) She was outside most of the time that I was there, but at one point the kids decided she needed to come in. She likes to jump up on people AND put their arms in her mouth. Not really biting, just playing. But I'm not fond of either of those two things. So we decided she should go back outside. The oldest, who is about 1/3 the size of Mandy, was trying to pull her to the back door while I was "hiding" in the office so she'd lose interest in me. Of course I was "hiding" in a room with GLASS DOORS. Mandie wasn't fooled. I finally decided--being the wise animal person that I am--that the best course of action was for me to get mauled by the dog as I headed to the back door, because I was pretty sure she would follow me to the back door, while she was trying to jump on me AND ingest my arm. It worked, and she was quickly back outside. All that drama, and the baby only slept an hour!!! In my opinion, that was a waste of a trip over to their house.

4. After that we came back to the safety of my house!!

5. One bit of good news: while the neighbors were out and about they bought a shock collar for the dog!


Anonymous said...

Good one! Thanks for making my day!

Mary Beth said...

You are a dog lover at heart! Too bad we didn't know while Smokey was still here. She could have come to visit at your house.

Unknown said...

George is coming over to spend the night at Mandie's tonight. He is NOT a dog lover either. We're hoping the collar helps... Sorry Cozi wasn't there. I wanted to get the scoop from her via you. (You get the bestest stories from that child!)