Thursday, January 14, 2010

Princess, Princess, Princess

Sometimes the highly confident, usually successful princess surprises us.

Recently the choir director announced that there is a choir festival coming up, out of town, and that he'll only take a total of 40 kids to it. He then told them they would have to audition.

That's big stuff around here. So the princess decided she'd give it a shot. She got the music and worked on it for a few days. She even came to the conclusion that piano lessons would have been a good thing because she'd be able to pluck out the notes to learn the song. Ya think??

A few days ago the king's uncle passed away and plans were put in place for him to attend the funeral out of state. She kept begging to go with the king to the funeral of this man she had only met a couple of times and has no memory of. I finally asked her why she wanted so badly to go to this funeral.

"So I don't have to audition to go to the festival. If I don't audition, I don't have to worry about not getting chosen."


"You're not going to the funeral. You can audition or not, but you're not going."

Yesterday were try outs and after all that drama...she was chosen!

Now we can quit worrying about that and start worrying about what part she'll get in the drama play she's joined!

Princess, Princess, Princess


Mary Beth said...

Woo Hoo - good job Cara. Singing... dancing... acting... you are headed to Hollywood!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the princess!


Unknown said...

That's awesome! (But what a smart girl, looking for an out with the funeral... Not a good thing, but definitely smart!)