Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Proud Mamacita

It's with pride in my heart that I present my two smarty-pants kids. Both are on the honor roll for first semester!


Unknown said...

Did you get a bumper sticker?! :) Seriously, that is awesome!

Shelley said...

Who the heck is sitting at your kitchen table??? And if there was yummy dessert why wasn't I invited!!!

Shelley said...

Oh!!! Congrats too! To you for your mad parenting skills and to the kids for using their noggins!!!

Mary Beth said...

Woo Hoo.. Woo Hoo.. good job!

Anonymous said...

You have to come for the prince's birthday to get yummy desert. That's Uncle Bruce at the table--he happened to be in town--or maybe he came to town for the desert. SL

J said...

Congrats to the kids and the grown-ups! Well-done!!

Anonymous said...

They continue to make a grandma proud. Good parenting surfaces again. kl