Thursday, January 7, 2010

Warms the Cockles of Your Heart

We got almost a foot of snow yesterday/the night before. It's about MINUS 35* with the windchill right now. It's supposed to be up in the mid-30*s by the weekend and stay up there for awhile after that. The king has us all shoveled out, but our roads are not good until we get out to the main roads. All of that being said, Mary Beth sent me this photo yesterday, taken in November when she took the kids to the indoor water park. It's a GREAT photo, but I can't help thinking: who eats ice cream in this kind of weather! Brrrrr

By the way, the king tells me that he heard that December was one of our coldest on record!


Mary Beth said...

LOVE that pic of the girls.

Anonymous said...

What a great pictures of those beauties.

Since you brought up the weather--- it's a blamy 70 as I write! Sorry I had to inform you of that :)

Unknown said...

Perfect ice cream weather...