Thursday, April 8, 2010

Belated Dance Photos

We have another dance competition and track meet this weekend. I thought I'd better post this set of dance photos before they get mixed with this weekends! (I know, you can never have too many dance photos!) The princess says she's not excited for this weekend's competition. I can't decide if that means she's nervous or not. We'll see how it goes. The prince will throw javelin this weekend, along with shot. I will get to go to his meet for a couple of hours, so I hope he throws during that time! We've got company coming this weekend. Book club meets at my house the weekend. Bring it on! It'll all be fun!

They got warm-ups this year.
She was none too excited that I made her get them bigger.
They need to fit next year too!

And the clip in her hair is part of her costume.

The dance director, peeling off the green eye shadow from the first dance to make way for the purple eye shadow needed for the second dance! Oh brother!

This is her awesome dance director who choreographed the duo and parts of the group song. Behind them is the teacher who choreographed other parts of the group song and her solo. We love these ladies!

The princess and Christian.
Gotta love this photo.
Two cute girls.
Two mouths full of braces.
Two full smiles.
That doesn't happen very often!

All 4 competition teams with their bling.

Group hug!
Can't wait for this weekend!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Great dancing! I hope this weekend is even better - is that possible?