Friday, April 2, 2010

First Track Meet

The prince had his first track meet today. He had to make it to practice yesterday in order to have enough practices in to compete. They got home at 9:30 AM so he had no trouble making it to the 3:20 practice. But he sure was tired and grouchy.
He had a good first meet and improved his distance with each throw. He never scratched. Yippee! He only threw shot this meet. He'll add javelin next time.

This shot cracks me up. It looks like he's dancing and the kid from Senior is giving him pointers.

This one went over 25 feet which wasn't enough to place in the top 4, but it was close.
The weather was sunny but not warm. And of course, it was windy. But at least the clouds waited until after we left to come in. The next meet is next week. Here we go!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Way to go Mitch! Those men's shotputs in high school are HEAVY.