Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Shelley!

Happy Birthday to my April Fool's Sister!
Here she is with her boyfriend.
He's a hottie!
True Story:
When she was born, our dad,
who was quite a prankster,
called his parents to let them know that she had arrived,
and they didn't believe him.
They thought he was playing an April Fool's Day joke on them.
It was no joke though.
Have a great day SMELLY!


Mary Beth said...

Happy Birthday Shelley! I know if we had the chance to see Donnie in Vegas he would have sang "Happy Birthday" just to you.

J said...

Happy Birthday Shelley!!! Hope you are enjoying your day!

Shelley said...

Thank you ladies! It's been a great day....Texas Roadhouse, chocolate sheet cake, dentist (last time for 2-3 months!!!), snow....