Friday, April 9, 2010

Weekend Agenda

It's going to be a busy one around here:

1. The king's sister is coming to spend the night tonight.
2. The princess has a school dance after school today. (I am not chaperoning!)
3. The prince has track practice after school.
4. The princess has dance practice after the dance.
5. Whomever is available will go to dinner with the king's family later tonight.
6. The prince has a track meet at 12 tomorrow. Shot put and javelin.
7. The princess heads to the dance competition at 2 to watch others from her studio.
8. The prince is having a friend spend the night Sat. night.
9. The princess competes in her dance solo and duo Sat. night.
10. We're back at the dance competition at 7 AM for the princess' group competition.
11. Book club meets at my house at 4 PM Sun. to discuss The Time Traveler's Wife.

Phew! Good thing we got lots of rest last weekend.

Oh, and did I mention I've lost my voice??? It's been trying to go for a couple of days. It's pretty well gone this morning. We'll see how it goes...


Mary Beth said...

Oh My! You should transfer bookclub to my house. Good think Monday is coming so you can rest at work.

Unknown said...

MB: I thought she should've called in sick today to prepare for this weekend!