Friday, April 30, 2010

Founding Mothers

I can't believe it. I'm a loser. For the first time since I joined the school book club, I did not--could not, would not--finish the book we were supposed to read. The book was called Founding Mothers, by Cokie Roberts (yep, the reporter), and was the story of the women behind the men who signed the Declaration of Independence. In theory, it should have been great, and I did get 100 pages in before I just couldn't do it, but's dry. I wish she would have written it as historical fiction. I probably would have liked that. The women were amazing, brave, smart, and heroic, but the book...not so much!


Unknown said...

Oh dear... if that makes you a loser, what am I? I didn't read Pope Joan at all. Couldn't finish the one about the explorers... I'm sure there's more... And I haven't even started the new book. I might add that one to the list!

Mary Beth said...

I'm with you on this book - it was so textbook-like. Lots of info but nothing interesting. You should give this 0-1/2 star on your list.