Sunday, April 11, 2010

Great Day!

The kids had a great day in sporting events yesterday, and by "great", I mean "fun". The prince threw 5 feet MORE than his best throw last meet in shot put. He gave javelin a try and was right in the thick of things. He thinks he placed in the top 8 in shot, but he's not quite sure. He's got a meet this Tuesday, but that's also at the same time as try-outs for school mascot, so he's torn...we'll see where he decides to be on Tuesday.
The princess finished day one of two days of dance competition in great form. She got a judge's choice award for her solo and placed "high gold" for it. Her duo placed "gold". The studio did really well with several high or lightning gold awards. Today she competes with her group. Unfortunately one of the five girls hurt her foot and can't dance today. They will reconstruct the dance the best they can and put their hearts into it and see how it goes this morning at 8 AM!!! Yikes! It'll be fun, any way it goes!
I'll post photos later. For now, this is it!


Shelley said...

WHAT are you doing posting at 5:30AM on a Sunday morning? When do you sleep???

Mary Beth said...

Woo Hoo! She danced beautifully both days, flexing her strong girl muscles on Sunday AM. I'm so glad she has some more bling for her trophy shelf!