Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

I just added The Time Traveler's Wife to my book list. I read it a year or more ago and found it VERY difficult because it jumps around in time all the time. The author does her best to keep you on track, but it's still very difficult. I didn't really like it much. Now I have re-read it for book club, and I liked it MUCH better the second time around. I liked it enough to give it two stars, and I'm curious to see the movie and see how they handle it. I might have to rent it.


Unknown said...

I'm about 350 pages into it and I'm finally a bit interested... I have yet to figure out why folks love it so much. Maybe it's all in the ending?! Guess I'll know by Sunday, eh?

Mary Beth said...

I liked it LESS this time. For me it was too jumpy and I HATED the ending. It was kind of like Twilight with Bella, she is kind of like Clare in this book. Yuck.