Monday, April 26, 2010

Two School Funnies

1. I've been fighting this voice that comes and goes for some time now. The students at school have gotten used to it. But there is one boy who cracked me up the other day. He's classified as Special Ed because he has extremely high anxiety. The other day he asked if I thought I would ever get my voice back. I told him I wasn't sure. He then said, "Well, I don't know how I'll talk to you if you don't, because I don't know sign language!" Gotta love them!
2. I chaperoned a group of about 24 6th graders who went to the opera last week. (It was amazing, by the way as they showed us all kinds of behind-the-scenes stuff in between acts.) Before the show started I was going over theater etiquette with them. I then told them to take out their cell phones and turn them off. No one moved. Several of them said they'd left them at home or in their lockers. So I then said, "I'm not writing you up for having it with you (they are to be turned off and left in lockers during the day.) Get them out and turn them off." No kidding...20 cell phones were pulled out of pockets and bags! Too funny!

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