Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm nothing if not stubborn, but even I know when it's time to throw in the towel. A week of a sore throat followed by 2 weeks of laryngitis finally convinced me to see medical attention. Seems it's probably tonsillitis...he wouldn't swear to it...and I'm taking penicillin now. I'll check back with you in 10 days if I'm not better! No note from the doctor so I guess I'm going to work tomorrow. :(


Shelley said...

You STILL have laryngitis??? It's about time you get yourself to the doctor. Hope the penicillin kills all the bugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto Shelley's comment. Get well!

Mary Beth said...

Finally! It's about time you went to the Dr, especially after the margarita medicine didn't work.