Friday, April 16, 2010

Take a Break Lady!

My sister and her family spent a week at my folks' house recently. Our mom is something of a work-a-holic--or maybe she's ADHD; we're not sure--so she rarely sits down when we come to visit. She's in the kitchen a lot. She's entertaining the children (this means moving furniture to use the Wii and such). She's running to the grocery store a lot because she's forgotten how much teen boys eat. And sometimes I think she just runs away for awhile because she's had enough of waiting on us!! We try to help her, but mostly she does all the work.
So when Shelley and family were in AZ last week, she took this photo of my mom with the caption "Probably the only time Mom put her feet up all week." :)

But as I was looking at the photos, I noticed she did get to sit down a couple of other times.

Here she is with my handsome brother, although it does look like she's about to jump right up. And are those slippers??? Her feet must really be sore. Probably this was toward the end of the trip. And yes, I'm sure that's ginger ale in those bottles.

And look! Over to the right. Those are her feet again. She's sitting. Probably waiting for the kids to get done with the Wii so she can move the furniture back where it belongs!
We love you Mom!! You're the best!!


Shelley said...

Did you notice Andrew's face? He was working sooooooooooo hard. Can't say he doesn't try!

He even figured out how to play baseball, golf, and bowl on the Wii while sitting on the floor. Amazing kid!

Anonymous said...

He IS amazing! SL