Thursday, April 1, 2010

Best April Fool's Day Prank of the Day

The principal and one of our teachers pulled off the best prank I saw all day in Middle School.
The teacher teaches the lowest scoring math students, and she's quite a joker by nature. She asked the principal to come into her room and tell the kids that they had all flunked the recent state tests in math and would have to take summer school.
The principal went a step farther. He came in with a stack of papers. Gave them the bad news. He told them that summer school would run ALL summer with the exception of the first week after school was out and the week of the 4th of July. He then asked if any of them had summer vacations planned. A few raised their hands. He told them that if they went on their trips, they would automatically have to repeat 6th grade. One girl raised her hand and said she was moving. He told her he would tell her new school that she needed to go into 6th grade again.
By now the kids are sweating bullets and the teacher's laughing out loud. Finally the kids figure out that it's the BEST April Fool's joke ever! They laughed and several of them came to tell me about it later, but boy were they nervous for a few minutes!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

So MEAN! I would have been crying.