Tuesday, January 24, 2012

About "Some Girls: My Life In A Harem"

I gave "Some Girls: My Life In A Harem" by Jillian Lauren two stars. It's a good book but not great. It had potential. It's the true story of an American girl (just 18 when she travels to Brunei to be a party girl for the Sultan's brother for several weeks) and lives in a modern-day (modern in the 1980's) harem. How she came to be invited to Brunei is interesting, but she really drops the ball when talking about the weeks spent in Brunei. She gives long details about some aspects of her days there but leaves huge chucks of the best part--conversations with the other girls and with the prince--out. It was disappointing. Additionally only about 1/3 of this book is about her time spent in a harem. The rest of the book is the before and after of her life. It's a good book, but not great, as I said, but if you have the time and are interested in this subject, it's probably worth a look.

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