Sunday, January 29, 2012

Possibly the best passage ever!

I am reading "Hawaii" by Alan Brennert. In it, a Korean couple is living in Hawaii in about 1920 and has opened a Korean restaurant that isn't doing well. They decide to diversify their menu a bit so eat at different restaurants to try different foods they are considering serving. When trying some American foods the book reads:

"I ordered a hamburger steak sandwich, something I knew was popular with haoles [white people], and took a bite. I rather enjoyed it, as did my husband, though he found it lacking in sophistication: 'This is all? Just a piece of meat between two slices of bread? Where is the poetry in that?'
'Not every dish need be poetic, ' I pointed out.
Even more disappointing to him was the 'hot dog,' which, alas, contained no dog meat and looked rather obscene in the bargain. We decided to add hamburgers to our menu but no frankfurters."

This is possible the funniest passage I have ever read. I am still laughing out loud about it as I type this!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I'm going to have to look this book up - that's hilarious!