Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Shirt

The prince needed a black dress shirt. Off he went, all by himself because he's cool like that, to Penney's to buy one--with his own money, because he's cool like that. I get a phone call from him as he's in the dressing room:

What size did you say I need?

Me: 17 or 17 1/2

Well I tried on a 16 1/2, but it's kind of tight.

Me: Because that's the size you have now that doesn't fit. Try a 17.

I did. It fits better. But I found a really good one for only $10. The only problem is that it's western cut and has snaps on the pocket.

Me: That won't work.

I know, but it's a really good deal AND it comes with it's own tie!

Silly boy. I'm glad he can spot a bargain, and to his credit, he bought the one he needed, not the REALLY GOOD BUY!

I love this whole "growing up" thing, when I'm not sobbing about missing my babies.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Hilarious! He's a funny guy, and practical.