Friday, January 20, 2012

That's a First

The prince--starting the second semester of his junior year--rode the school bus for the first time EVER yesterday. He has been on buses before: with Grandma on hers, tour buses, and buses to school sporting events and field trips. But he has never ridden the yellow bus to school. Until yesterday. The weather was such that we really, really didn't want him driving to the career center, and apparently his "I am the best driver known to man" testosterone fueled youthfulness also agreed with us because he rode the bus. He did forget, three hours later, that he had ridden the bus, and didn't leave early enough to catch the bus back to campus thus causing him to need to find a ride back in a hurry with someone who also was too cool to ride the bus, but he managed. I hope he rides again today, because there's more snow out there!


Mary Beth said...

Smart kid to ride the bus. Mine has been on the Met yesterday & will again today.

J said...

I LOVE that he forgot he rode the bus... I have found it is ALWAYS best to forget the times when I've had to ride a bus :-)
But I give the guy credit for choose wisdom over being macho!