Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Road Report Update

As I was coming home from work yesterday, there were 4--yes, FOUR--plows driving down Main Street, side-by-side, doing the other side of the street. I wasn't stuck behind them, which was nice, but I had to wonder why they needed four of them. Did they really need one truck just to do the turn lanes? And wouldn't if have been better to maybe have two of them on that road and two somewhere else in town. Because this was 3:30, and there are a lot of city streets, and this was probably only the 2nd time the road had been plowed all day, and it is a major route for emergency vehicles... I know what you're thinking. Maybe I should work in the city planning department. You could be correct!

1 comment:

J said...

Doesn't sound efficient to me!! I think you better take over local government!