Monday, January 23, 2012

Wacky Me

The assignment was to do a blog (WENDY!) listing quirky things about yourself. I had a hard time with this one because I'm so myself anyway! But here's a short list. I'm not sure how wacky it is, but it certainly became a list of likes and dislikes. Your turn MB, KAREN S, and BECKY!

I prefer even numbers but my favorite number is 5.

I like 5 because it’s in the middle…like me…I do not have many strong opinions in one direction or the other…I consider myself a moderate in politics.

Mostly I don’t consider politics though. They annoys me. But I do vote faithfully.

I am not opposed to licking peanut butter off the knife.

I like cold green beans.

I like to make sure my bed gets made every day, because I hate to get into an unmade bed at night.

I sing a lot. I have a song for almost anything you say.

I didn’t say I sing well.

I probably should have had my tonsils out years ago. They get infected a lot.

I HATE to cook and clean. HATE it all! There is not one kind of cooking or cleaning that I don’t mind…except maybe organizing closets. I’m pretty good at that.

That does not mean that all of my closets are clean or organized.

I have an English degree that is wasted while I spend most of my day tutoring math. But I really like math.

I like math because it’s all about following the rules.

I follow most rules most of the time.

I think there is no educational value in word finds, but I like to do them so when my kids have one for homework, I do it for them. And I will tell any teacher or principal that I did.


Unknown said...

Okay, I knew most of your list. But the last one? That's the best thing one ever. I'm so with you. I love them. And I give them to my kids to do. And I call them schoolwork. Just because I love them. (Shhh... don't tell anyone.)

Mary Beth said...

This list is totally you. The last one is funny - I hope my kid doesn't see you in OTC with a word find.

Wendy said...

Thanks, Sharmi! I wondered if anyone was going to do this. You're a great sport and I love cold green beans too! :)