Sunday, January 15, 2012

Team-building Exercise

Before the game yesterday (girls won, by the way!), the team had an early dinner and did this exercise in teamwork. Tied together, they had to peal and eat 8 oranges. The prince said it was pretty fun and good for lots of laughs.


J said...

And they are so brave....eating right off the gym floor! Go team!!

Anonymous said...

There were wrestling mats involved too. When these photos hit facebook several wrestlers posted telling them to get to the doctor immediately and ask for the same antibiotics they give the wrestlers! :) SL

Shelley said...

Funny! My friend's son wrestles and she was just telling me about last year.....tons of ringworm and impatigo (sp) going around. Turns out it wsa from the mats! Gross!!!

Mary Beth said...

Looks like a fun time, plus there were treat at the end!

Gross - the mats are yucky. That's why the coach gives them 'special soap' to shower with after practice!