Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rockin' The New Year

Last night we went to a hockey game (yeah! the Bulls won) followed by snacks and a birthday celebration as well as ringing in the new year at our house with our good friends the O's! We had a great time. One more "Happy Birthday" to Brian--there, I'm done now. He thinks all this birthday fuss is unnecessary...MEN. At least I have convinced the prince that birthday celebrations are a big deal and should be celebrated for about a month. Hey, it's a big deal if you're on this planet...think of all that could have gone wrong to thwart you being here.

Happy New Year everyone.

Many blessings to us all in 2012.

Pretty girls at the hockey game being chased by boys WAY TOO OLD FOR THEM!

The O's!

Happy, happy!


Mary Beth said...

Hey Man - thanks so much for having us over & inviting us to the hockey game. A great time was had by all. Happy New Year!

Shelley said...

Looks like fun! Happy birthday to Brian too.

J said...

What the heck....I'm with Shelley...Happy Birthday to Brian!!