Thursday, January 19, 2012

This will do your heart good.

I have changed the proper names in this story because it is not mine to share otherwise, but this did happen recently, and the student referred to graduated from our school. This is written by one of the referees at a basketball game. I hope your heart is smiling by the time you finish reading...and you may need to wipe away a tear or two...but they will be happy tears.

"I refereed a JV game last week, and it was a perfect game. I ref'd the Best Game I have ever ref'd. Did I miss some fouls,... of course, but it was the Best Game I have ever done. Did I miss a few travel calls during the game, perhaps, but it was a perfect game! Did I call a blocking foul when it was possibly a charge?... could of been, but I ref'd the best game I have ever referre'd... For you see it was not what I did or did'nt do that made this the Best Game and the most Perfect Game I have reffere'd, it was for another Reason. The Game was between the Cowboys and the Raiders, and there is an Athlete on the Cowboy's Team that made this the Best game I have ever Referee'd. Did he dunk the ball whenever he got and opportunity, nope, did he dribble the ball and pass the ball in a fashion that would rival any Basketball player in History..Nope. The player who I am talking about on Cowboy's team, goes by the name of Sam, and Sam has Downs Syndrome. Sam got into the game a couple times in the 1st and 2nd halves of the game, and dazzled the Crowd! Sam took a few shots, caught the rim each time, but never could find the bottom of the net. Then Sam got fouled on a 3-point shot and went to the foul line. Sam eyed the basket put up his shot and SWISH, buried it. Sam is in the Books!! He preps the 2nd shot, lets it go and it bounces off the front of the rim to the back, to the side, then just falls outside the rim... Close!. Sam has one shot left, he does his dribble puts the shot up and it's IN!! Sam jumps for Joy, the crowd is on its feet, his teammates are on their feet, the opposing team is on its feet, the opposing coaches are on their feet... my Heart is melting. You see Friends, Thats what made this the Best and Most Perfect Game that I have ever Referred!!"


Shelley said...

Yep! Definitely had a hard time reading that to Marty. We were both sniffling. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What a great story. Thanks to his coach & team mates for giving him this chance to shine.