Thursday, July 26, 2012

About "The Almost Moon"

I gave "The Almost Moon" by Alice Sebold one star.  It was hard to give it even that, but the end sort of saved it.  The end almost ruined it, because I ended up jumping ahead and skimmed some of the end, not correctly interpreting events.  My bad.  Still, feel free to skip this book.

It is written by the same author who wrote, "The Lovely Bones" which is a really good book.  Just goes to show...And I probably should have been clued in when the book jacket quoted reviews for her other books but not for this one.  I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes.

This is the story of a middle-aged woman who is taking care of her ailing mother who has been mentally ill all of the daughter's life.  After her dad kills himself, it falls on her to take care of mom.  As she is realizing it's time to call hospice, she kills her mother.  Not nicely, either.  Thus begins the book and the many flash-backs that have lead her to this point.  Skip this one people, it's a train wreck...but like all good train wrecks, once you start watching, you can't stop, which is why I finished this book.


J said...

Thanks for reading it so we don't have to!

Shelley said...

I didn't read Lovely Bones but absolutely HATED the movie. You know me with movies....I can usually find something to like about them. But I came super close to walking out of that one.

Mary Beth said...

I too didn't really care for this book. I had to go back and read my review from 8/11. I gave it 2 out of 5 stars. I do remember the book & only liking the first line - When all is said and done, killing my mother came easy.