Friday, July 20, 2012

The Awesome Family Reunion

We gathered in Logan, UT for our family reunion.  We planned tons of fun for everyone.  Everyone was able to make it except Tyson, but we hope to see him at the next reunion.  Matt was suffering from some nasty, chicken-gone-wrong intestinal disaster, but he graced us with his presence when his body allowed.  A special thanks to the Loganites who did all of the prep work for this fiesta.  Thanks to Becky for being so great to the girl cousins.  Thanks to Liz (the cousin-by-marriage but truly one of us) for all your help/work planning.  And thanks to Mom and Chuck, who took such good care of us all and really made it happen.  It was a BLAST!   

I got a group shot--starting at the top:
Jared, the prince, the king, Isaiah, the princess, Becky
Andy, Liz,Marty, Mariah, Ariana, Jujuan, Shelley
Grandpa and Grandma,
Libby, Robin, Blake

Matt was missing, and I was taking a photo, but Shelley found someone to take a group shot so Matt and I could be in it.  Somehow, while making the switch, Ariana and Isaiah disappeared.  Go figure!

From the top:
Me, the king, the princess, Becky, the prince
Andy, Liz, Marty, Jujuan, Shelley
Grandpa and Grandma
Matt, Libby, Robin, Blake


Shelley said...

HOLY BLOGGER! I don't know where you got the energy to do all this blogging, but it's AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for doing this for all of us to enjoy.

Becky said...

You got some really great pictures! And I agree with my mother. You're pretty amazing for doing all that blogging. I obviously didn't have the energy!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other two, great pics!