Tuesday, July 31, 2012

You snooze, you lose...or WIN in this case.

Since only one person attempted my quiz--granted I didn't give you a ton of time, but I'm off line for the next few days so...

We have a winner, and that winner is SHELLEY!  What does she win, she's wondering?  Well, hello!  You just got your name in capital letters on my blog.  And yes, I would have given you the jingle bell rock, but I don't have it...your daughter-in-law does.  So it is not mine to give.  Instead, I will promise to post only good photos of you for the next year.  Oh wait, that's too long.  For the next month!

And so here are the answers, in case you didn't read SHELLEY's comment!

photo1: Rich, Marty
photo2: Cara, Jared (I'm with you Shell, I'm pretty sure it's her.  Her or Becky.)
photo3: Chuck and Mom
photo4: Andy, Shelley, Mitch


Shelley said...

Woot! Woot! I LOVE being the winner. And just so you know, posting NO pictures of me would be a great prize. I so very rarely see a good one.....

J said...

Congrats, Shelley! That s quite a skill! :-)