Friday, July 20, 2012

Ghetto Campfire and Baseball

The plan had been to drive up to the Skabelund cabin to have a fire, roast dogs, eat smores, and play games.  We did all manage to caravan up there only to find that it was far too dry and too big a fire risk to light the campfire.  We headed back to town and bbq'd the dogs instead.  Uncle Marty came through with charcoals in the street for smores.  (Maybe that's more redneck than ghetto.)  Baseball was fun too until someone knocked the ball into the neighbor's yard.  Good thing the dog didn't mind when Jajuan jumped the fence to retrieve it!  After dinner we headed out to watch another one of Matt's baseball games.  Final hugs good-bye after it was done and our awesome reunion was a wrap...until 2014 in Colorado Springs.  Let the planning begin!

Jajuan, Isaiah, prince, Jared
The princess, Andy, Mariah, Jajuan


Mary Beth said...

Looks like a great time. Loved the charcoal in the street - it's a little redneck/ghetto.

J said...

Kudos to Marty for saving the s'mores outing!