Friday, July 20, 2012


Wednesday was Lagoon Amusement Park Day!  We were so excited.  And although we knew it would be hot, we over-estimated how the heat saps you of energy.  Still the teens and Becky took off for the extreme rides.  Shelley and the king did most of them as well.  The rest of us were happy to Tilt-a-Whirl all day!

 The princess, Jajuan, Mariah, the prince, Jared
These guys had a blast, and since there were 6 of them
 (Becky took this photo),
they easily rode all the rides together!

 The rocking pirate ride.  It's the king's favorite, but twice on it was all Andy could take.
Grandma, the king, Isiah, Libby
Shelley, Andy, Marty
What you don't see is Ariana, Me, and Blake-who took this photo.

 Marty, Andy, and Isaiah on Rattlesnake Rapids--getting drenched.
That didn't stop them from going again TWO MORE TIMES!

And at the end of the day the "big kids" rode the SKY COASTER!  It takes you up in the air about 150 feet.  You pull the ripcord and then you fly at 40-80 miles per hour!  Jajuan wasn't going for it, and Matt wasn't well enough for it, but the others had a blast!! 
 The prince and princess.

 Mariah and Jared

Liz and Becky

There is video on facebook if you want to see the prince and princess' flight!


Mary Beth said...

Loved the video - looks like a great ride. Too bad you didn't get a chance to ride it.

J said...

Very cool & brave!