Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"The Hunt Club"

I gave "The Hunt Club" by John Lescroart 3 stars.  A book jacket review claimed he was better than Grisham.  I don't think he was better than Grisham, but he was certainly as good as Grisham when Grisham is not at his best, which is still pretty darn good.  So I liked this book and may try something else by him in the future.  This story is a murder mystery complete with a missing person, lots of lawyers, a hip private investigator, a Mormon detective, and the California prison guard union.  It's a good page turner with plenty of dialogue for MB though I did think it dragged on a little about 2/3 of the way through.  The who-dun-it was good, I didn't guess it until close to the end.  A good read!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I'd borrow this if you have it, sounds good.