Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Costomer Service Heaven and Hell

Yesterday was one for the record book.

Driver's ed called to say the princess' permit is not valid.  Misinformation from the teacher lead to this, but long story short, I was told to get to the DMV by Wednesday to rectify the problem or else she would have to retake driver's ed (at another $200).  So off I went, and met the evil, wicked witch of public service.  Not my fault that they don't mark their entrances well so I went to the wrong counter.  Not my fault that the teacher gave us the wrong information.  Not my fault that driver's ed lady said we had to fix it by Wednesday when, in fact--and I didn't know this until the evil one told me--yesterday was the last day.  Phew!  Glad I got there at 3pm--two hours before the deadline.  But here's the kicker.  There were 4 employees at the counter.  The evil one, helping me, and 3 others watching...from a safe distance...while some guy stood in line waiting to be helped!!!  Ridiculous! 

So evil one hands me a form to fill out.  I ask, "Since my husband's name is on all the paper work, is that going to be a problem?"

Rude answer, "Just read it."

Deep breathe by me.

Read and fill in various parts, get to the bottom to sign my name and then start to fill in the date, and am interrupted by evil one:  I HAVE TO FILL IN THE DATE.  IT'S NOT VALID IF I DON'T FILL IN THE DATE.

Another deep breathe as I think to myself, "Why didn't you tell me that?  You told me to 'read it' but nowhere does it say that you have to fill that part in."

As I'm calming myself she says, "Now I have to write over the top of it because it has to be in my handwriting."

Deep breathe and stop myself from asking, "Don't you have another one I can fill out?"

I quickly got the heck out of that HELL ON EARTH.  The sad part is that I have to go back there in 6 months so the princess can get her license.  Scary!

But on a positive note:  I had to call to make a hotel reservation with some rooms that are blocked for a dance event.  The nicest man (La Quinta group rates) helped me, gave me a bigger room with river view/microwave/frig for the group rate, and restored my faith in humanity. 


Kathi said...

Do you think there's a special class that they have to take called "How to be rude to the customer" or does being a state employee give them a license to be evil? I'm pretty sure everybody working for the state has a supervisor. I would spend all day tracking that person down to speak my mind!

Shelley said...

We had really nice peeps when I took J in for his license. I just wasn't happy with the hour long wait. Our guy was new so he was still nice....not there long enough to be an expert in RUDE!

Mary Beth said...

Thanks for getting us a sweet hotel room! I'm glad you didn't wait another day to go to the DMV.

Grandma said...

I agree with Kathi. I think her rudeness deserves a letter to the DMV. She's a paid public servent.