Friday, July 20, 2012

Bocce Ball and Shenanigans

Our Logan family introduced us to Bocce ball.  If you haven't played it, all you need is the Bocce set and a rock-free area.  You throw out a white ball and then each player throws their colored ball, trying to get closest to the white ball while not being knocked out by someone else.  The kids played for hours and probably every day while we were there!  I think we'll all be purchasing this game. 

 Jared, Mariah, Isaiah, Jujuan, the prince, Andy

There was much Shenanigans at our reunion too...including some nice white elephant prizes and a cool "ginger" mustache.

 The prince and his gator hat.

 Matt and his pirate hat.



1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Great moustache Grandma!