Friday, July 6, 2012

That's a mighty big bowl of soup!

We went to a Chinese restaurant the other day.  Andy ordered a bowl of wonton soup.  We had no idea that bowl would be so big!!!  To his credit, he did make a pretty good-sized dent in it.   And he said it was pretty tasty...and salty...he was drinking water all afternoon.

In other Andy news, he was going to post these photos on his facebook page until he saw them.  He didn't like the way he looked so decided just to post the soup bowl photo.  You know what that means?  He's reached that teen-age stage where he cares how he looks.  Another one of our babies is growing up.  Darn it!  Besides, I think he looks great in these photos.  What do teenagers know anyway?

1 comment:

Kathi said...

That IS a big bowl of soup!!!