Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You're brave, Grandma!

I didn't get a photo (this comes from the web), but when at Lagoon, Grandma went on the Samurai!  You get strapped in, and it spins as your spoke also spins.  I did not go on this, but Grandma did!  She is very brave.  It reminds me of when Becky took her on the Rockin' Roller Coaster in Disney World.  After the ride, Becky asked if she wanted to go again.  Grandma's response:  ARE YOU CRAZY?  Gotta love that Grandma!


Shelley said...

I couldn't decide if she was going with me cuz she wanted to or cuz she felt sorry for me having to go alone. Also, she had never seen it going before she went with me. I can't help wondering if she'd have gone if she knew what it did beforehand.

Anonymous said...

Sure I would have. How else could I get all this publicity??