Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad

This post is primarily for my brother and sisters, but all readers are welcome to enjoy.  If our dad were still alive, he would be 70 today.  Happy Birthday Dad!  I have a year book from his senior year and scanned these items from it (although they did not scan well).  He went to a small high school and was very active in sports and the arts.  Throughout his life he was one of those people others gravitate to.  We miss him.  

Old year books were so cool, listing all this stuff.
Of course, with the large high schools in our town,
it would be more difficult (costly) now.

He and Linda were Mr. and Miss High School...
I don't even know what that is!

 Lookin' pretty tough!

 Prince of the Ball (Winter Ball, maybe?)
He looks really young in this photo.

Oh look, here he is again with Linda!
Prom King and Queen


Anonymous said...

Who is this Linda? Good thing that didn't work out or none of us kids would be here :)

Happy Birthday Dad!


Mary Beth said...

Love those pictures! Your son looks a lot like him. Linda looks cute!

Kathi said...

I used to think that Mitch looked exactly like Richie, but I'm seeing some resemblance to his grandpa too. I love old pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Shelley said...

It was great to get to visit his grave today on his birthday! Happy birthday dad.