Sunday, October 14, 2012

10-12 Cheer

Friday was a cross-town rivalry game.  We had the same win-loss record as that school, but they were ranked #8 and we were #9.  Not anymore!  We won easily...must have been all that great cheering!  Grandma and Kathi came to cheer too, which can't have hurt.  The prince thought it was Senior night and that we'd be escorting him while he was introduced.  Turns out that's next week, at the other cross-town match, at the game we will have to work really, really hard to win and will have to have a little extra luck for good measure.  We can do it!!!

 This is called a half--because their arms aren't extended.  
This is EASY for him!

 He's on the far left.  Doing another half.  
Huh?  Why isn't he doing a full with one of those middle groups.
Those girls are AWESOME!
Clearly I need better camera position.

Catching Ally.
She never worries that he'll miss!

Check out her pink bloomers and pink bow.  It was "Pack the Park in Pink", a precursor to "Pack the Place in Pink" which will be in a couple of weeks.   There was a lot of pink in the stands on both sides, which was GREAT!  There are also pink pom poms, and last year the football players wore pink socks, but they didn't this year.  :(  The players do sell pink bracelets though to help raise funds.  Grandma and I got ours!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

He's got lots of man-muscles!